Thursday 30 July 2009

Mum had an operation on Monday, something to do with her bladder or kidneys. Nothing major, so she should have been in and out on the same day, but she couldn't pee afterwards, so she had to stay in overnight.

Then disaster struck. When having a shower the following morning, she fainted. Blacked out completely. When she came around, she had blood pouring from her head. Uh oh...

So now, three days later, she is home, with 23 stitches in her head, as well as the stitches form her operation. Now she can't bear to look at her reflection in the mirror, so we have to take all the mirrors down in the house, apart from the one in my bathroom.

So me and my sister take it in turns to look after her, only going out when we know that the other one is home to look after her. It's stressful, but it's necessary.

Get well soon Mum, I love you. xxx

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