Sunday 31 May 2009

Panic! The next week contains 6 exams...And that's almost half of them. I only have 13 left. But seriosuly, the next ones are pretty important. Like, first thing tomorrow, I have maths, then in the afternoon, I have latin verse (which is impossible to learn, and I barely know half of it, so I'm terrified of that) Then Tuesday morning, I have an english exam. On Wednesday, I have a french writing exam (I got predicted C for french, so I'm kinda panicky about that, but that's in the afternoon, so I can revise for that all day) Then on Thursday, I have a chemistry exam, and another english paper. So I can wait for tomorrow.

On the other hand, I have arranged to see Tom on the 11th June. And I am so excited =]. Only, it makes me so nervous, because I'm never sure of how to act, because he's been away so long, and I havn't spoken to him in person. And also, because of the dodgy background, I don't know what to say, and what if I say something wrong??

Oh, he's so sweet, and he really seems like he cares, because today, I was studying, and then I went on msn. I started talking to him, and he told me to study, so I get good results. He said it would make him very happy if I got very good results, and he would treat me if I got all As. Oh, and my Mum said if I get all As then I can move out into a smaller flat, on my own. So that's the aim. It's whether I can get that, because that's alot to ask.

Lots of love xxx

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